Friday, 27 March 2015

Science Club

On the 19th and 20th of March the Science Leaders for Semester 1 held a Science Club Appetiser. This appetiser was held to see whether our idea of a Science Club was possible. We had sign up sheets for anyone who liked the experiments we did and would like to join Science Club.

We held a separate day for the Year 1-4s and another for the Year 5-8s. We organised 3 experiments - coke and mentos, kinetic sand and the chocolate taste test. For the coke and mentos experiment we fill up ⅔ of a bottle with coke and then drop 2 mentos into the bottle and quickly did the lid up and shook the bottle. This made the bottle expand and become circle shaped because of the pressure created inside the bottle. We had kinetic sand for people to feel and we explained how it worked. Then we had 2 different types of chocolate (peppermint and milk). We made the girls close their eyes and block their noses and then gave them a piece of chocolate and made them guess which one was which. 50% got this right and 50% got it wrong, because you need your sense of smell to taste.      

To organise our Science Club Appetiser we had to plan lots, test the experiments, have a plan B if something didn’t go right and think about assembly notices. It took about 4 weeks to plan all of this and we found using runsheets really helped.

We ended up getting about 80 names down so therefore we will be starting a Science Club in Term 2. The Science Club Appetiser was a success!

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