Thursday, 2 April 2015

Lego Letters

A couple of weeks ago, for inquiry, we looked at an article about lego, called “Wait, a toy company published *what* in its magazine for girls?” 

The article was about how Lego put beauty tips in their Lego FriendsTM section of their magazine.

We had to write letters back to LegoTM and here is a little bit of one

“...In conclusion, LegoTM is sexist and should change their moral. You need to send a more positive message to young girls, such as “You build anything you want!” or, “You can have all the adventures you need with LegoTM!” Lego should be for everyone - not “girls Lego” and “boys Lego.” Please bear in mind what we have said, as many we’re sure other girls feel the same way!”

Here is a photo of the planning we did for our letters:

What do you think of the article? Read it and tell us in the comments below!


  1. Go girls - great letters and right on point :) Let us know if you get a reply!!!

  2. Well done for taking a stand. Watch this link I got lots of ideas and facts for my speech from it.

  3. Well done for taking a stand. Watch this link I got lots of ideas and facts for my speech from it.
