Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Nepal Fundraiser

"In a matter of seconds, Langtang village was wiped off the face of the Earth and, in Kathmandu this week, Habash described what it was like to visit the place where it used to be: ‘It’s so stunning up there. But I just couldn’t look at the beauty of it because it hurt knowing that so much pain is in that area.” - Yasmine Habash, Nepalese earthquake refugee. (Source, The Guardian:

As you may know, recently Nepal has suffered greatly from two large earthquakes.

The Selwyn House UNESCO group and a few volunteers decided to run a fundraiser event for the people of Nepal. We organised a house colours mufti as our houses are the same colours as the Nepalese prayer flags. To go with this we asked the girls to bring a $5 donation that we can send to Nepal. As part of the $5 donation we also gave the girls each a flag to write a message on.

Our Nepalese flags are hanging on display in our school courtyard. They look splendid and have messages from all our students on them. We have the prayer flags in the wind, as the Nepalese do this as they believe it allows so that the messages drift to God and those they are meant for. This is part of Nepalese tradition. 
Thank you so much to everyone who donated money, wrote a flag and participated in our fundraiser. We are so happy to have had so much support from the girls.

This was a great success and we have raised a grand total of $1,033.70.


1 comment:

  1. Well done girls its great that you are keen to assist others around the world that are in need.The universe is an amzing place and looks after those that give freely of time and energy.
