Selwyn House "Superheroes"
The eLearning and Makerspace Leaders of Selwyn House School for Semester 2 (Harriet, Maya and Ella) have created a website. Our website is called ‘Selwyn House Superheroes’. Our website is called Selwyn House Superheroes because we are creating a game where you can design you own superhero. We have designed our own superheroes…
Our superhero game is found in our subpage labeled 'Mission.' Your mission is to create your own superhero, give them a name, give them a power and create their look. Then you can help us save technology! But shhhhhh... don't tell anyone about your secret superhero mission!
We designed our superheroes using Scratch and based our designs on the Power Puff Girls. We made some edits before creating our superheroes.
We are also making tutorials. We sent out an email asking people what tutorials they would like to see and what things they wanted to learn. So far we have made a green screening tutorial. We are going to make a 3D printing tutorial, and we are thinking of doing a Scratch, screen printing or robotics tutorial.
This is such a great idea Ella, Maya and Hattie. I can see the tutorials being very helpful for both the girls and teachers at Selwyn House. Great work.