My goal was to successfully run team building sessions for the girls going to AIMS Games, and to design and order personalised hoodies for the team.
Term 1:
- Research, research, research!
- Design hoodies
- Meet with Dr. Bird and Mrs Taylor
Term 2:
- Choose hoodie supplier etc.
- Get hoodie info
Term 3:
- Order hoodies
- Create training calendars
- Run team building night
- AIMS Games!
Term 4:
- Essay
- Present
I’m really proud of my entire project. I have worked so hard on it and it was pretty successful. The highlights for me are still seeing girls wearing their hoodies after AIMS, and also the fact that the parents and coaches decided to get their own hoodies after seeing ours. This project has meant a lot to me because I have learned so, so much, developing and learning many skills. My project means a lot to me and has been a great experience because of what I achieved. Overall I have loved doing this project and now I’m so glad I chose this topic.
Fantastic work Kathleen! This seems to be a great success for you. I love how you have laid out your process split into terms so we can get a good idea of your timeline.