The finals of our Year 8 Speech Competition were held this morning. Following on from our Unit of Inquiry which explored the question, "Because it can be done, should it?" the girls have created Pecha Kucha Style Presentations on a range of ethical issues. There was a huge range of topics from the ethics behind driverless cars to the ethics of not allowing girls to wear make up to school. The judges were so impressed by the calibre and commented that all eight speeches were very well researched, crafted and delivered.
We are excited to announce the winners
First - from 8PR - Alex Tutty; "Homework should be banned."
Second - from 8CS - Lilli Scully; "Clothing brands don't matter."
Third - from 8PR Lydia Pye; "Homeschooling should be abolished."
Well done also to our other finalists - Isobelle Singleton, Madeleine May, Isis Ward, Rose Smith and Abby Mason.