Thursday, 31 March 2016

Buddy Dancing!

Last week the Performing Arts Leaders ran a dance class for our buddies. This was held in the Music room on a Friday lunch time. The song that we chose was "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift. Our buddies brought their lunch to eat with us and joined in when they were ready. We thought this was a really good way to get involved with our Buddies. We got some help from some of the other Year 8 leaders, Megan, Niamh and Meg. Overall our Buddies really enjoyed it and we would definitely do this again!!


  1. Dear Meg, Grace, Megan, Niamh and Orla
    That looks like it would of been fun to teach those little kids.
    Was it hard keeping the little kids under control?

  2. Dear Niamh and Grace and Orla,
    This is great! Good work! Did it take long to make this video?
    From Megan

  3. Hi Ruby!

    Thank you for your comment. It wasn't to hard to keep them under control as they were very well behaved. But it was a really good turn out.
    - Orla

  4. Hi Megan!

    Thanks for your comment. It didn't take too long to make this video as we make it on Kizoa, and could just add the photos and some music!
    - Orla

  5. Hi Megan.

    Did it take long for you to make your video?

  6. Hi girls,
    This is really awesome and SO cute. How many little ones did you have turn up?

  7. Hi girls,
    This is really awesome and SO cute. How many little ones did you have turn up?

  8. HI
    im Ashton and we have hip hop group that come first in the asb compteion we also have preforming arts and kapa haka.HAPPY BLOGGING.:)
