Thursday 31 March 2016

Farewell International Students


  1. Dear Lottie and Lydia,
    This is really cool!
    I really enjoyed having the girls come to stay with us and learning a little bit of Japanese.
    What did you like the most?
    From Maddie

  2. Dear Lotte and Lydia
    That was really nice of you to do that.
    How did you get the background?
    They were really nice and I wish they could of stayed longer.
    From Ruby

  3. Dear Lotte and Lydia
    That was really nice of you to do that.
    How did you get the background?
    They were really nice and I wish they could of stayed longer.
    From Ruby

  4. Dear Lotte and Lydia,
    This is such a cool presentation. I loved having the Japanese girls here at our school and getting to learn a bit of Japanese. What did you like about having them here?
    From Grace J

  5. Hi Maddie
    Yea I really enjoyed there stay and they really shared there culture which was the part I enjoyed most!

  6. Dear Ruby
    Agreed I wold have loved for them to stay longer! And I got it off google carnival. What was you favourite part of getting to know them?

  7. Dear Ruby
    Agreed I wold have loved for them to stay longer! And I got it off google carnival. What was you favourite part of getting to know them?
