Monday, 29 June 2015

Pecha Kucha Speech Finals

“It’s part of our everyday lives. It protects the products we buy, provides information to the consumer and acts as a marketing tool to boost sales.”

“Imagine a world where dreams come true. Where all it takes is a smile and a laugh to make a friend.”

If you were in the Selwyn House School Cybrary on the Thursday the 19th at 8:15am, you would have seen 6 girls madly practising speeches on all different subjects, nearly ready for the 2015 Year 8 Speech Competitions. Every year, Selwyn House holds a speech competition, but this year, there was a twist!

Ever heard the words “Pecha Kucha?” Well, Pecha Kucha is a fast-paced, Japanese style of presentation. You have 20 slides that are up for 15 second each, adding up to a total of 5 minutes, max. This year, we had to choose a topic and thesis statement (it could be anything!), and then write a Pecha Kucha presentation, along with making a slideshow. It was lots of stressful work, and everyone did amazingly well! Here are some of our Pecha Kucha slides:

Congratulations to Danielle McLaughlin from 8CF who came 1st, Hattie Compton-Moen, from 8PR, who came 2nd, and Ella Stephens, also from 8PR, who came 3rd. A huge well done to Georgina Scott from 8PR and Tessa Appo and Aria Carroll, both from 8CF, who also got into the final. Lastly, thanks to everyone in Year 8 who also put a great effort into writing and presenting their own Pecha Kucha speech for the class competition!

By Hattie and Ella

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