Friday, 5 June 2015

Success at Spelling Quiz!

Outstanding Success 

@ Canterbury Extra! Spelling Quiz!

This week, Selwyn House was ably represented by 12 of our top Year 7 and 8 spellers at this annual spelling quiz. The girls were involved in 10 rounds of questions that tested everything from their knowledge of words and their country of origin, through dictionary skills, root words and endings, proofreading and mystery word rounds, to more traditional spelling testing of words taken from commonly misspelled lists.
It is our very great pleasure to announce that the Selwyn House team of Kathleen King, Harriet Compton-Moen and Lucy Jessep have been crowned champions in the Year 7 and 8 competition with a grand total of 97 out of 100 - beating out 81 other teams. Congratulations girls - this was a hard fought win and we are very proud of you.
Thank you to all the girls who were selected to represent Selwyn House - you performed remarkably, with all teams placed well inside the top half of the teams. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done girls - very proud of you all! Love the crazy photo!
