Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Felicity's Passion Project

Architecting Adventures

Hi, I’m Felicity and for my Passion Project I am designing floor plan for a house on a software archiCAD and I will be making a miniature model of this house as well i will also be making my floor plan into to a digital 3D model. I choose this topic because love designing houses and have always wanted to learn how the architects get there floor plan into a 3d model. I also love drawing and maths and I think this is a great thing that involves both of those things

1. Research
2. Get software and trial the software and learn how to use it confidently
3. Start practicing and designing my own floor plans
4. Begin designing the final floor plan.
5. Complete floor plan
6. Start getting all measurements for miniature design
7. Use foam board and start making miniature model

Here are some photos of me working, my mentor meetings and the expert who I learnt a lot of things off.

I have made a blog where I document things that I have been doing in passion project I have been posting when there is something the has happened in my passion project that i think people would want to know about. Click here to view blog!

What have I learnt?
During Passion Project I have learnt a lot!
  • I have learnt about ArchiCAD and all the features on archiCAD and I now feel quite knowledgeable.
  • I have learnt a lot of things to remember about making a floor plan like which direction the house should be facing - North, East, South or West, is it functional, what the family wants - big kitchen, big laundry, big entertainment area, small garden etc. Does the family want an open space kitchen dining living.
  • Things don’t always go to plan.

Here is a link to my passion project imovie -


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