Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Phoebe's Passion Project

Drawing Vibes

Hi everyone, my name is Phoebe. This is a blogpost about my Passion Project.

Can you imagine yourself beaming with pride because you have written your very own graphic novel? Well, I can and that’s what my Passion Project goal is. I chose writing a graphic novel to be my passion project because I thought it would challenge me and I would learn lots of new drawing skills along the way.

I started off my passion project by doing lots of research and finding out about lots of things I needed to learn in order to draw my graphic novel. For example how long it takes to draw a page so I know how many I will actually be able to draw when I plan out my story, how big the strip size should be and how graphic novelists color their novels. Next I needed to plan out my story - the storyline, the characters and roughly how many pages long it will be. At the moment I am up to drawing my graphic novel! Below is one of the pages of my graphic novel. It still needs to be colored and a bit more detail needs to be added.

I have learned lots of new things so far. I have learnt all about how getting drawings colored online works, time management, what equipment graphic novelists use, how long it takes graphic novelists to draw one page and plenty more.

Here is the link to check out my blog http://phoebepassionproject2017.blogspot.co.nz/


  1. Hi Phoebe!

    I really like your idea for your Passion Project as it seems really challenging and detailed! How many pages of your graphic novel have you finished and how many are you aiming to complete? I like what you have done so far it must have taken a long time and lots of research about how to separate the page. What genre is your graphic novel?


    1. Hi Lottie!

      Thanks for the comment :) I have so far drawn 3 pages of my graphic novel out of my aim of 16. My graphic novel is Sci-Fi.


  2. Hey Phoebe,

    Will you be selling your graphic novel? I really like how you started your post with a rhetorical question. What is the plot of your graphic novel? I can't wait to read it when it is finished. :)


    1. Hi Hermione!

      Thanks for your great feedback :) I might be selling my graphic novel - it depends if people will want to buy it. This is the plot: one day a girl is given homework to paint a painting of what she thinks the future will be like. She falls into her painting and into the future.

      Phoebe :)
